Beth Perera

Location:  Highland Plt, Maine

I grew up eating the S.A.D. and didn’t change my ways until I experienced some health problems. I believe we’re all “bulletproof” until the day of diagnosis, and then we have to educate ourselves and make some decisions. I read a few books, including The China Study; I watched Forks Over Knives, and then purged all animal products from my diet. Dairy went first to eradicate the painful arthritic symptoms in my feet.  (6-7 months eating plant-based, and my feet were fine!)

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:
The health issues I was having were easily resolved with diet changes and zero medical intervention. I am passionate about educating people how to make wise food choices and empower them to navigate our healthcare system, so as to receive the best care and not fall victim to unnecessary tests and treatments.

Email address:

Phone number: 802/342-2946