Brenda-Lee Barnes

Location (city, state): Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Nearest major city: Johannesburg


I studied Plant Based Nutrition through Cornell University, New York under Dr T. Colin Campbell with a Ph.D in Nutritional Biochemistry and who wrote “The China Study” which I completed in February 2020.  Some of the Doctors that contributed on the education included:

  • Dr Micheal Greger who wrote “How not to Die” and runs
  • Dr Caldwell Esselstyn who is the director of the Heart Disease Reversal Program at the Celeveland Clinic and wrote “ Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
  • Dr Neal Barnard who wrote “Your body in Balance” and is the President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

As a Food over Medicine Instructor under Dr Pamela Popper, President Wellness Forum Health (Columbia, Ohio), combined with the Plant Based Nutrition, I built a Test Kitchen where I create exciting and delicious Plant Based recipes. We test the recipes by holding test dinners and serve these meals to non-vegans, educating them at the same time on nutrition and health.

I assist restaurants around South Africa as well on creating new and exciting Plant Based recipes for the growing vegan market.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor

I believe it is vital to educate people on the importance of nutrition to take control of their health and not to just accept disease as their end destiny.  If we can teach people that only a very small percentage of disease is due to genes and the majority of fatal diseases are caused by families that eat the same way.  We refer to this as disease of affluence.  Food should be healing and not a hammer that hits our bodies 3 times a day, every day, not giving our bodies time to repair. People deserve the truth about nutrition.

Email address:

Phone number: +27 799333188