Deborah J. Schwebius, MSN BSN RN

Location (city, state): Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

RN 1993, BSN 2016, MSN 2020, FOM Instructor 2020

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:
As a nurse I have prided myself on giving good, solid and up to date care but when my own health started to fail – I got really serious and discovered Forks Over Knives, What the Health and all the wonderful and intelligent doctors (PhD, MD, OD) that were helping in the real evidence-based world by shining the light on food as medicine. I have helped myself, my husband, several friends, family members and a few acquaintances along the way so far. I hope to soon be in a nursing leadership position where I can be an influencer so as to improve patient outcomes -all based on evidence! I have always wanted to help people and my only regret is that I did not know about Whole Foods Plant Based Lifestyle sooner because I could have helped soooo many more people over the span of my 25+ years of nursing -mostly in critical care settings.

Email address:

Phone number: +966 (0) 55 837 7233