Dr. Asha Subramanian

Location (city, state): Kensington, MD and anywhere via Internet

Nearest major city: Washington D.C.

Dr. Asha Subramanian received her B.A. and M.A. in psychology with Honors and Distinction from Stanford University; her combined M.D./Master of Public Health degree from Oregon Health and Science University School of Medicine; and completed her family medicine residency at the University of Pittsburgh St. Margaret Hospital. Dr. Subramanian also completed a fellowship in community health at Georgetown University Medical Center. Her professional interests include lifestyle medicine, health behavior change, and community health.

Reason for becoming a Certified Women’s Health Instructor:
As a family physician, I wanted to be better educated on the role of diet and lifestyle in the prevention, treatment and reversal of chronic diseases. I also wanted to bring this knowledge to my patients and to my community. So many times, women, including myself, have been told that there are no treatments or cures for the common illnesses that they face – which is not at all true! I would like to be a force for change – to clear up the misinformation – and to help the public be better informed consumers. The Women’s Health course concepts are evidence-based, well-researched and sound. I am happy to offer this course online, via telephone or in person to anyone who is interested!


Email address asha321@gmail.com

Twitter: @DrAshaSub