Dr. Asha Subramanian

Location (city, state): Kensington, MD and Anywhere via Internet

Dr. Asha Subramanian received her B.A. and M.A. in psychology with Honors and Distinction from Stanford University; her combined M.D./Master of Public Health degree from Oregon Health and Science University School of Medicine; and completed her family medicine residency at the University of Pittsburgh St. Margaret Hospital. Dr. Subramanian also completed a fellowship in community health at Georgetown University Medical Center. Her professional interests include lifestyle medicine, health behavior change, and community health.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:
As a family physician, I would like to be better educated on the role of diet and lifestyle in the prevention, treatment and reversal of chronic diseases. I would also like to bring this knowledge to my patients and to my community. When I read Dr. Popper’s book, I knew I needed to take her courses and Food Over Medicine was the first step. Dr. Popper’s concepts are evidence-based, well-researched and sound, and patients and the public deserve to know more. I am excited to embark on this new personal and professional journey!

Email address:  diyawellness@gmail.com

Twitter:  @DrAshaSub