Ashley Shafer

Location (city, state): Asheville, North Carolina

Short Background:
I am a Dental Hygienist living in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. I enjoy a freshly roasted cup of coffee, reading, and the great outdoors. I enjoy the challenge and diversity of different athletic endeavors over the years. My current athletic enjoyments are Ultra Marathon running and CrossFit.  I never want to stop exploring life’s potentials, challenges and possibilities.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:
The reason I wanted to be a Food Over Medicine Instructor is to share the self-empowering message that an individual can take control and responsibility over their own health. I want to share with people that they do not have to become victims of the medical system. Knowledge coupled with implementation of informed medical decision making, can lead to healthy and positive long-term outcomes. My boyfriend, who is a physical therapist, and myself a dental hygienist treat patients daily on a long list of medications and chronic health issues. We both were overwhelmed with the evidence- based literature that indicates a whole food plant-based diet is the optimal diet for positive long-term health outcomes. We want to lead by example, and thus embarked on this exciting nutritional journey. We have seen so many positive outcomes in our training, recovery, sleep and overall health. We now share this groundbreaking nutritional information with family, friends and patients. We continue to explore, self-educate, and share our growing knowledge of this hugely impactful concept that Hippocrates said so wisely” Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”

Email address:

Phone Number: 828-545-5269