Cassie Wasmer

Location (city, state):  Midland, Michigan

Nearest major city: Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Grand Rapids


I am an aspiring nutrition educator who wants to share this important message about nutrition with the world.  I teach people of all different age groups about health and the environment.  My goal is to inspire and reach out to as many people as possible.  I am a graduate from Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s ECornell course and I have been plant based since March of 2017. 

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:

I became a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor, because I wanted more knowledge that I could share with the world.  In doing this course, I am now able to reach out to more people and teach them what they can do to take control of their health.  Dr. Pam Popper taught me a new way of how to make informed decision making and live to healthiest lifestyle possible. 

Email address:

Phone number: (989) 750-3776