Darren E Miller

Location (city, state): Grove City, OH

Nearest major city: Columbus, OH

I’m a 57-year-old male whose main goal in life is to stay fit and

healthy throughout my entire life as well as inspire others to do the same. I know at times in life we fall short in personal maintenance, that should not be a reason to give up and lose hope. As a Food Over Medicine Instructor, I can and will motivate others to accept a better potential and outcome for their life.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:
I have always known there’s a better way of maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. I have seen and felt the benefits personally in changes I have made so why don’t I try to help others see and feel the same. Every day I see people in need of a spark to ignite their life and begin living again. I can be that guy

Email address: darren_miller_97@msn.com

Phone number: (903) 738-1003