Don J. Jehle

Location (city, state):  Calhoun, GA

Nearest major city:   Chattanooga, TN

Don J. Jehle, D.Min., is the director of chaplaincy at Gordon Hospital in Calhoun, GA.  Dr. Jehle has spent 29 years in ministry in churches and hospitals.  He earned his Doctor of Ministry degree from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, IL.  He became a vegetarian at age 21 and has become plant-based seven years ago.  He is a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and a member of Wellness Forum Health.  He has a passion for helping others discover truth based upon evidence instead of accepting the prevalent error of our times.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:
To have credibility with others when sharing with them about the importance of lifestyle changes.

Email address:

Phone number: 909-255-6770