Dr. Anthony B. James

Dr. Anthony B. James MSc.(Clinical Herbology), DNM(C), ND(T), MD(AM), DOM(Acu), DPHC(h.c.), PhD(IM)

Location (city, state): Brooksville, FL

Nearest major city: Tampa, FL


MSc.(Clinical Herbology), DNM(C), ND(T), MD(AM), DOM(Acu), DPHC(h.c.), PhD(IM), PhD(Hospitallar Medicine h.c.), DMM, RAAP, UTTS, MSGR./CHEV., Ordained Native Bishop Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church of the East in Brazil

Dean, Professor, Medical Director of Education and Traditional Medicine: Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC) Seminary: SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine & The Thai Yoga Center

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor

Believe the Wellness Health Forum represents some of the very best information on wellness and nutrition, health freedom and functional medicine available and am proud to make available to our students and graduates as well as their clients.

Email address: nativeaic@somaveda.com

Phone number: (706) 358-8646