Dr. Sara Johansson, ND

Location (city, state): Southlake, TX  (and the internet via website)

Nearest major city Dallas: Fort Worth TX

I’m a holistic medicine doctor. My health journey started years ago when one day all of a sudden I woke up severely sick, deaf and face pressurized. Immediately hospitalized they hooked me onto a cortisone IV for 2 consecutive 3 month treatments. Of course that that approach cured nothing and made me worse. All this repressing symptoms that allopathic medicine does, solves nothing. Desperate and sicker a year later, I looked into holistic medicine for help. And found it! First thing they changed my food, then helped my mind equally as my body. My ears and my face were just a manifestation of many things that were wrong allover. This is a holistic approach to health, all is treated as whole. The experience has been hard and long but successful in the outcome with renewed health and integrity. In this long decade of challenges I decided to pursue a degree in holistic medicine myself, I thought that at least this suffering could yield to an enriched life dedicated to help others instead of just making it a loss of a decade. There is so much more then tests and illness names to disease. We can all overcome our health challenges with the right help. We must spread this knowledge we must help and empower others, this is my goal in life. For more information about me and for help, please check my website: holisticonlinedr.com

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:
I myself experienced what food can do for us. When I got very sick only when I abandoned allopathic medicine and started my real healing journey through a plant based diet, amongst other natural approaches, did I start to get better. Food is the fuel through which our body finds the energy to fight and renew, but only if the right nutrients are present. Food Over Medicine can do so much more than we think! We must spread the word in all ways possible, we must instruct.

Email address:  info@holisticonlinedr.com

Phone number:  (214)216-2719