Elizabeth R. Galloway

Location (city, state): Brevard, NC

Nearest major cities: Asheville, NC and Greenville, SC


Elizabeth has been described as “an eternal student”.  She has a MS in Education from The University of Tennessee, (with an emphasis in exercise physiology), a Master of Social Work (MSW) from The University of South Carolina.  She has worked as a coach and instructor at a small college, worked with people with addictions (alcohol, drugs, and food), and worked as a Hospice Social Worker and then worked Cardiac Rehab.  She also studied Reflexology and Healing Touch.  Walking in the woods with her dogs, playing “old time music”, slinging mud, (being a potter) are the activities that she loves. 

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:

I have many reasons for wanting to become a Certified Food over Medicine Instructor.  First, because what we are doing now in health care is not working.  And what we are doing now is treating symptoms with medication.  And that’s not getting to the root of the problem.  Second, using food to prevent and reverse diseases is empowering, but unfortunately, is a well-kept secret.  I have a friend who was just diagnosed with breast cancer and no one in the health profession talked to her about what she was eating, gave her science based evidence studies so she could make her own decisions about both her food choices and treatment options.  And that makes me angry and that is something that I want to change.  Finally, I want to be a Certified Food over Medicine instructor because I believe in the concepts.  I walk the walk, not just talk the talk.  I want to be a part of changing health care, beginning with what we eat.  Also teaching people to do research regarding their health care decisions.  We spend more time researching a blender than we do researching health care options.  We think “the doctor knows best”.  NO. 

Email address:  heartofclay@comporium.net

Phone number: (828) 553-2118