Gerri L. Stitt, BSN, RN

Location (city, state): Hermitage, PA

Nearest major city: Pittsburgh, PA

Short bio:

Gerri Stitt is a certified school nurse and has held that position for 23 years.  She received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Penn State University and a certificate in Plant Based Nutrition from eCornell.  She runs a recipe blog and food service called Earth Angel Vegan.  She is proud and excited to be able to call herself a Certified Food Over Medicine instructor and is looking forward to helping people regain their health and change their life with food.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:

A whole food plant-based diet has changed my health and my life.  I am finally at a normal healthy weight, off all medications, and have the vitality to live life.  I want to share this with others.  Everyone deserves to feel and look their best.

Email address:

Phone number: 724-866-3609