Hannah Ramirez

Location (city, state) Boise, ID

Hannah is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner that specializes in helping people adopt a more whole food, plant-based way of eating to overcome health issues. She works with both meat eaters and junk-food vegans to help them clean up their diet, so they can have more energy to do the things they love. She enjoys cooking and having people over for dinner. When she’s not working, she volunteers with foster children in her community, spends time going to concerts, and traveling with her husband.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor
In my own life, I’ve used food to overcome my own health issues instead of turning to medication. Because of this, I have a great interest and passion in learning more about how the food we eat affects us by either hurting or healing us. As a health professional, I’ve seen that people feel their best when they change their eating pattern for the better. This leads to life-long health and wellness that medicine just can’t offer.

Email address: hannah@plantedwithhannah.com

Phone number: 208 794-8927