Janette Pusick

Location (city, state): Crivitz, WI

Nearest major city: Green Bay, WI


My family has been concerned for many years about where our food comes from and what is in our food. We have been mostly Organic and Non-GMO and I thought that we were very healthy. I have struggled for years with anxiety and more recently with signs of arthritis. I knew it had to be what I was eating. In turn, this had lead me to dig deeper into how to make a real change in these symptoms without medication.

I found that change in a Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle!

Today I have no symptoms of arthritis pain and my anxiety attacks are gone. I still have anxiety from time to time due to the circumstances around me, however, since I’ve been eating clean, I am able to keep it under control versus it controlling me.

Today I have a following of friends and family on Facebook, who have committed to change. It’s been such a joy to be able to have a support group where we can share and encourage each other for a lifetime filled with Great Health!

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:

My main goal of becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor is to be able to inform and help support others who are struggling with symptoms that can be treated with nutrition versus medication or surgery.

My husband’s family has a long history of heart disease. His father died in his 60’s from a fatal heart attack. His Brother also died from a fatal heart attack 2 weeks after his 50th Birthday! His sister recently was diagnosed with heart disease and her doctor told her if she didn’t do something drastic, she would likely have a fatal heart attack in the next 2 years. My husband told her that she needed to speak with me right away about the Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle. She and her husband both decided to make the change within a few weeks. She is doing well and they have also encouraged her brother-in-law and his wife to change due to heart disease issues as well.

I’m excited to share this Journey of Well Being and to Living our Best Life!

Email address janette.pusick@gmail.com