Jitka Burger

Location (city, state): Teaneck, NJ

Nearest major city: New York City


In 2013, I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune condition called relapsing polychondritis. Being diagnosed with an “incurable” disease was a harsh wake-up call — until then, I had always thought that my diet was superb (e.g. a daily dose of plain Greek yogurt with fresh berries… who would have thought?).

On the basis of extensive research, I rejected my doctor’s orders and eschewed the perils of corticosteroid treatment, instead choosing a path of “Food Over Medicine.” I switched to a low-fat, whole-food, plant-based diet that not only reversed my autoimmune condition, but also improved my health in countless other ways. Based on the statistics, I was supposed to be either bedridden or dead by now, but instead I am alive and well — and medication-free!

These positive changes inspired me to study nutrition-based health further, to the point where it has become an obsession of mine. In rapid succession I earned the following certificates:

·       Vegan Nutrition Certificate from the Vegetarian Health Institute (2015)

·       Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University’s School of Continuing Education through the T. Colin Campbell Foundation (2015)

·       Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition & Cooking from Rouxbe Online Cooking School / Forks Over Knives Online Cooking Course (2015)

·       Starch Solution Certificate from Dr. McDougall’s Health & Medical Center (2016)

·       Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor through Wellness Forum Health in Columbus, Ohio (2019)

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:

After seeing how plant-based nutrition cured me, I developed a passion for helping other people prevent and reverse diseases and stop or minimize medication use. Becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor made me more knowledgeable about ways to reverse and prevent common chronic diseases. The body will heal itself given the right conditions, but not everyone knows what these conditions are. If you are serious about building a lifestyle that gives you more energy, less medication and a better quality of life, I will be happy to guide you on your way. 

Email address: jitka.burger@gmail.com

Phone number: 551-232-7003