Joanne Peters

Located in: Leesburg, Virginia

Nearest major city: Washington, DC


Registered nurse for over thirty years with experience in medical surgical nursing, ICU, neuro nursing, home care nursing as well as former Captain US Air Force Nurse corps. Most recent position was as a certified wound ostomy nurse. My husband and I live in northern Virginia.  We have 2 kids and a grandson.  I am also a karate student and instructor (First degree Black belt in traditional Japanese karate, second degree Black belt American Karate). I enjoy hiking and taking WFH courses, follow politics.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:

For over 30 years I have lived and worked in the traditional medical model as a Registered Nurse. I always believed that genetics played a significant role in determining one’s health and if a health problem arises there is always a lab test, a medication, or a procedure.  After being terminated from my job as a wound ostomy RN because I declined the COVID vaccine, I had time to figure out the new direction my life would be taking.  I knew I wanted more education and I found Dr. Pam Popper and the Wellness Forum Health Institute (WFH). After taking WFH courses my thinking has done a complete turnaround!  I have taken control of my health through diet, more exercise and learning what informed decision-making is. I have read Dr. Pam Popper’s book Forks over Knives and T. Colin Campbell’s book The China Study. I have learned that eating the standard American diet puts one at risk for heart disease and cancer.  After eating a keto diet for many years, I have embraced a whole foods plant-based diet. it is now a complete joy to be eating potatoes and rice again! I have lost weight and have more energy. I follow the WFH food pyramid, and I enjoy eating less more often. It makes sense that unprocessed healthy plant foods give you good sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals and satiety. Becoming a Food Over Medicine Instructor will allow me to share my knowledge and enable people to make informed decisions about their diet and health. My clients will feel better and have more knowledge to make good decisions and stay out of the “medical mill”.