Josephine Verde, MA, DMD

Location (city, state): Valley Stream, NY

Nearest major city: New York City

I graduated from Boston University as a General Dentist in 2013.  During my General Practice Residency at the Eastman Institute for Oral Health at the University of Rochester, I began researching a whole food plant-based diet.  In 2020, I began training as a Health Educator with Dr. Pam Popper after being recommended by Dr. Peter Breggin at the Real Truth About Health Conference. 

Reason for becoming a Certified Women’s Health Instructor:
As the daughter of a 30-year breast cancer survivor, prevention of disease is extremely close to my heart.  As I strive to achieve excellent health myself, I’m extremely enthusiastic about helping others with their health improvement efforts.

Email address:

Phone number: (516)729-2021