Karen R. Roberts

Location (city, state): Greensboro, NC

Nearest major city: Durham/Raleigh, NC

Health and Wellness Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, Co-Host of Living Fit with James and Karen Roberts, Motivational Speaker, Vegan Cook and Co-Host of Cooking with Karen, National Competitive Bodybuilder and Competition Judge.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:  
I’ve been following Dr. Pamela Popper, (initially via the real truth about health) for a few years now.   I’ve been spreading the message about the benefits of exercising and eating a healthy diet, and what that means literally.  I feel this information, with all the facts, studies and attention to details, is a great way to validate many of the things I’ve been talking about over the years.  It fits in very well, with what I’m already doing.

Email address: Karenroberts@live.com

Phone number: 336-202-2313