Kristen Stubblefield

Location (city, state): Incline Village, Nevada

Nearest major city: Reno and Carson City

Kristen has been interested in health since her early 20s. Working out and healthy eating were a high priority during college, where she learned about organic food. Now in her 30s, she is married with two young children. It’s even more important to keep her family healthy, so together they can thrive. Over the years, Kristen has been asked how she rarely gets sick and has the energy needed to do what she does. Before kids, she owned a thriving interior design business and needed to stay healthy for her clients and for all of the running around needed in the industry, spending about 60-80 hours per week in work. Today she enjoys spreading the amazing information about health from exercise to mindset to eating. She decided to get certified as a Food Over Medicine instructor to help spread the information on how to live a healthy life. She is also an NLP practitioner and believes in a wholistic approach to health that not only saves money on medical bills for clients, but helps them to achieve the health needed to sustain their dream lives.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:
Kristen became a Food Over Medicine certified instructor to gain more knowledge, especially on the science side, about eating healthy. She has been healthy and has created healthy habits within her own home and family, but, wanted to expand it even more to get to that next level of health. With this knowledge, she is excited to share her own experiences and share the information to others to help them benefit from it as well.

Email address:

Phone number: 925-596-1260