Lisa Hill – RN, BSN

Location (city, state): Beloit, Ohio

Nearest major city: Youngstown/Akron, Ohio

I am currently in my 25th year as a Registered Nurse. During this time, I have worked with numerous clients who suffered from chronic diseases. I watched as patients have handed over their healing power to their doctors, nurses, and the healthcare system. As a skilled and seasoned nurse, I knew all of the things that were required to live a balanced and healthy life. So many times, I wished that I could do more for my patients before they reached the healthcare setting. I wished they could see that they had everything they needed within themselves to improve their health and reach their goals. As a Transformative Nurse Coach, specifically trained to coach clients in making healthy lifestyle changes, I get to do just that! My goal, and my role, is to empower and support my clients as they strive to reach their optimal level of well-being. My strongest desire is to serve my clients and impart in them the knowledge that they are stronger and more powerful than they know, and that the road to wellness is Transformative!

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:
I am a Registered Nurse with 25 years of nursing experience, and a Nurse Coach.

A Transformative Nurse coach helps people to adopt healthy lifestyles, and to improve, or reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Autoimmune Disorders through diet and lifestyle changes. Although all nurses work to improve the health of their patients, Nurse Coaches come alongside and partner with their clients, and offer them a safe space to explore the things that they would like to do to make their lives healthier. I am a nurse, daughter, wife, sister, mother and friend. I have work and personal stress, just like everyone else, and this affected my food and lifestyle choices in the past. A couple of years ago, I experienced some health issues of my own. I learned that my immune system was not functioning as it should be, and I was having many autoimmune symptoms that are all too common today. All my life, I followed the Standard American Diet. Although I felt like I was eating a relatively healthy diet, foregoing most sweets and fried fast foods, I learned that unhealthy foods don’t always come in the form one would expect. In our nutrition courses in nursing school, precious little was taught in this area, and there was so much I didn’t know, or understand about the food we are eating today, and the reasons our body is responding to the foods in the way that it is. Inflammation, obesity, chronic fatigue, allergies, cancers, and chronic disease is now commonplace in virtually all areas of the US. In my search to improve my health in a natural way that did not include prescription medications, I found many plant-based resources, including the Food Over Medicine program, and transformed my own health through diet and lifestyle changes. I adopted a whole food, plant based diet, and removed gluten and all processed sugars from my diet. Within a few months, I experienced a transformation in my health, and saw my autoimmune symptoms declining. It is now my passion to share what I have learned with others, and to help others experience a better life, through better health. 

Email address:

Phone number: 330-301-7912