Liz Fattore

Location (city, state):  Hopewell Township (Aliquippa), PA

Nearest major city:  Pittsburgh, PA


I started researching health and nutrition in 2014 because of my autoimmune issues and read T. Colin Campbell’s book, The China Study.  I had been a wedding photographer and had to close my business due to the health challenges. I struggled with Crohn’s disease for decades and my doctors never told me (or knew) that diet and lifestyle contributed to the problem. Medications and surgery did not offer relief.  Changing my diet gave me the focus and energy to take the Plant Based Certification course from the Center for Nutrition Studies. I currently do nutrition coaching and nutrition workshops in my area. My Facebook group “Nurture Your Health” encourages others to seek a healthier lifestyle and attend workshops and classes.  It has been an amazing journey towards a healthier and more energized life!

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:   

I love teaching others the value of good nutrition and lifestyle habits that can lead them to live a better quality of life. I love watching others learn how to integrate healthy habits into their lives so that they can experience a lasting transformation.  My clients get the tools needed to achieve their goals by learning the science behind “food as medicine”, as well as being an informed consumer when making medical decisions. Dr. Popper’s course offers invaluable education and I am excited to teach the principles of dietary excellence.  These are the solutions needed for changing your eating habits towards a healthier lifestyle and disease prevention.

Email address:

Phone number:  412-956-4807