Louistine Tuck

Location (city, state): Miami Township, OH

Nearest major city:  Dayton, OH


Bachelor of Science in Sociology, Retired Public Servant, Graduate of the Comprehensive Health Improvement Program, Avid Cyclist and Life Long Learner.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:

I have always been interested in health.  But you would not know it because I weighed 100 pounds more than I do now.  I lost the weight over 25 years ago and kept it off eating plant-based foods.  I did not learn the science behind why the weight was so easy to keep off until I took courses at Wellness Forum Health.  I have always enthusiastically shared with others what I learn.  It is now my delight, privilege, honor and joy to share that information with other seekers of factual, science-based information that can improve health and change lives in such a profound and lasting way.

Email address: louistine@yahoo.com

Phone number: 937-823-4281