Natalia Szydlowski

Location (city, state): Buenos Aires, Argentina

Nearest major city:  Buenos Aires

I was born in the province of Buenos Aires in 1985. I obtained a degree in Nutrition from the University of Buenos Aires. I am also a professor in Nutrition at the Salvador University and a scientific journalist of the Argentine Society of Medical Journalists. I completed my doctorate degree in Health Sciences at the University Institute of the H. Barceló Foundation. Furthermore, I was granted a distinction by the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of Argentina in recognition for my graduation thesis. Currently I work as an investigator and as a university professor, and also attend in private practices.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:
I was looking for a different and radical look to what I have learnt at the University which follows a traditional view of nutrition care. Living in Argentina, I have been encouraged to do these courses because I am a bit alarmed by the impossibility of solving certain nutritional and medical situations within my patients with the knowledge I have learned at college. I was very seduced by the scientific endorsement of each recommendations of these feeding plans and the empirical evidence does not give rise to doubts to corroborate what the theory and research show. As I have already done some plant based diet courses, my ideas have been changing throughout this process, so I can actually say that with this course I have completed my knowledge, in addition to reaffirm my resounding change towards this type of diet.


Email address:

Phone number: +541150412743