Natalie Butler

Location (city, state): Greenville, SC

Nearest major city: Charlotte, NC (89 mi) /Atlanta, GA (140 mi)


As a registered nurse working in a hospital setting, I realized that the majority of my patients were there as a result of their diet and lifestyle choices.  I had personally experienced the healing power that a plant-based diet had on my own health and I wanted to help others.  I grew frustrated managing chronic illnesses when I knew that there was a better way to stop the progression or even reverse many of these diseases.  So I set out on a journey to gain as much knowledge and experience as I could in the area of nutritional wellness.  As a registered nurse and a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor, I am excited about helping others achieve better health and vitality.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:

In my search for plant-based courses, I discovered several popular course options.  After speaking with Dr. Pam personally on the phone, I purchased the annual pass and was able to take InforMED Health 101 and the Food Over Medicine Certified Instructor’s course, in addition to many other courses.  I appreciate Dr. Pam’s thorough research and standing on the evidence—not just the plant-based platform.  The Food Over Medicine Certified Instructor’s course has given me valuable information and tools to become a successful instructor.

Email address:

Phone number: (864) 569-7150