RandyLynn Barron

Location (city, state): Pullman, Washington

Nearest major city: Spokane, Washington

RandyLynn “Ran” has a passion for helping people take responsibility for their health, and gaining the education and/or knowledge needed to make the best choices for themselves and their loved ones. She believes that creating Abundance Health and Wellness Coaching is your bridge, at any age, to a joyful transformation that you unveil using miraculous and foreordained powers within. 

She holds a BS in Business Administration and a BS as a Non-Profit Director of Development. She is board certified as a Health and Wellness Coach, a certified Plant Based Nutritionist, a BioMagnetic Science Practitioner and Educator, and a Laughter Yoga Leader.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:
I had learned a lot in the last three years from other sources about true health education, read and heard many of the things that Dr. Popper has written and voiced, which was pretty much the same. Upon considering Dr. Popper’s program my intent was that I wanted to know what I may have missed and thought that her program would give me even deeper knowledge. It has!

Email address: abundancehealth.wellnesscoach@gmail.com

Phone number: 509-339-6312 (non-text)