Stylianos Tsatsaronis

Location (city, state): Chicago, Illinois or anywhere via phone/internet.

Nearest major city : Naperville


I am Greek/American and grew up eating the Mediterannean and Standard American diet. I never gave much thought to the food that I ate or how food affects my well being. I believed I knew what a good diet was, did everything I was told. I exercised daily, ate the “right” foods but my blood work did not back up the information I was taught. I was gaining weight regardless of how “well” I was eating and how much I exercised. I thought to myself, “I must have really bad genes, there is nothing I can do”. A few years ago I was diagnosed with a variety of conditions and the treatments were the usual suspects.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:

I started my journey on educating myself on how to become healthy. I was surprised to discover that what I was taught in school, learned from my parents and instructed by my doctors, plus the procedures they advised were wrong. I was surprised to discover that most of our illnesses are foodborne and the remedy was to stop eating these foods. Another big surprise was that genes play a secondary role in disease, eating the wrong diet for humans’ initiates the process for these bad genes to express themselves. When we start eating the right foods we get better regardless of our genes.

Another area that shocked me was that doctors aren’t taught the right diet for humans in medical school and push drugs and procedures on patients. Unfortunately I have encountered doctors who are not only uninterested in hearing about this information but are dismissive and disrespectful once the subject is brought up.

I have been following a whole food plant based diet for some time now. I feel better than I have ever felt before. I haven’t gotten sick in years and I am full of energy. I have read books on diet and lifestyle, some titles are; “Food over Medicine”, “How not to die”, “ The cheese trap”, “Power foods for the brain”, “The starch solution” “The China Study, “Whole”, ”Proteinaholic”, ”Prevent and reverse heart disease” and more.

Therefore I decided to become a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor and help people experience the remarkable benefits of a WFPB diet and lifestyle.

It is not okay to be sick, it is not the normal progression of life.

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Phone number: 347 279 4170