Sybil Shelton-Ford

Location (city, state):  Lansing, MI

Nearest major city: An hour west of Detroit and an hour east of Grand Rapids

I am a certified holistic health coach and have completed several studies in nutrition, including Food Over Medicine, T. Colin Campbell’s Plant-Based Nutrition certification course and Andrea Nakayama’s Functional Nutrition Lab program. I am also a yoga instructor, pre-primary and kindergarten Montessori teacher, wife, mother, and travel enthusiast.

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor:
I am passionate about the power of whole plant foods and want to have a structured, well-researched program to share with clients and community members.  I believe that people have more control over their health and well-being than they believe and I want to empower them.

Email address:

Phone number: 517-282-7662