Tracy Wilson Peters

Nearest major city: Atlanta, GA

Hello, I am Tracy Peters. In 2017 I watched my mother die of breast cancer. Her illness sparked a desire in me to learn all I could about nutrition and its role in our health. I became certified in Plant Based Nutrition through Cornell University in 2018. I realized that if I wanted to help others embrace a plant-based lifestyle I would need to be able to create amazing meals that even meat eaters would love. I graduated from plant based culinary school in 2019. I am excited to offer Food Over Medicine classes and one-on-one support to the public. I am truly passionate about helping others improve every aspect of their lives with a plant-based lifestyle

Reason for becoming a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor

I became certified with Food Over Medicine so that I would have the best information and resources for my clients and students. I love teaching people that they have the power to change their health and their family’s health with what they eat! How exciting that many diseases and conditions can be cured and reversed by knowing what food heal and what foods hurt. I am here to help you!

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Phone number: 770-634-4284