Leslie Kasanoff, DC

Location (city, state): San Luis Obispo, CA

Leslie has 30 years of experience as a holistic family chiropractor; counseling her patients in nutrition and exercise and addressing spinal and full body health. For 10 years before that, she worked as a Medical Laboratory Scientist.

Reason for becoming a Certified Women’s Health Instructor

I’ve always felt that medicine gave women little choice in decision making about their care. From my background as a chiropractor (In Oregon where I was educated, chiropractors can perform ob/gyn and deliver babies) I understood that most of the problems women experience with health & healthcare is because they lack the knowledge about how to address and resolve their health problems naturally and on their own. This course can begin to give them the nuts & bolts to that knowledge and empower them to make healthier decisions and lead longer healthier lives.

Email address: leslie@drlesliek.com

Phone number: 805-538-2218